
Shape Type:
Polygon Shape
Custom Shape
Triangle Shape
Square Shape
Pentagon Shape
Hexagon Shape
All the preset shapes are normal regular shapes

Shape Settings:
Points Count
Line Proportion %
Vertex Rules

Generate Points:

Playback Settings:
Playback Speed points/s
Show Lines
Show Start Point


The Chaos Game
The Chaos Game is a mathematical method of drawing fractals. It uses a polygon shape and a random point within the shape as a starting point. The steps for then generating the points are as follows:
  1. Pick a random vertex
  2. Draw a new point halfway inbetween the current point and the vertex
  3. Go back to step 1, using the previously generated point
Once this process has been repeated a large number of times with a triangle, it will create the triangle known as the Sierpiński Triangle which looks like the following:
Sierpiński Triangle

How to generate a Sierpiński Triangle
  1. Select the triangle shape from stage
  2. Triangle Shape Type
  3. Keep shape settings from stage default for the purpose of this tutorial (descriptions of the shape settings can be seen here)
  4. Shape Settings
  5. Click Generate Points in stage
  6. Generate Points
  7. Click in stage (descriptions of the playback settings can be seen here)
  8. Playback Settings
  9. Watch as the triangle on the grid is filled with points
  10. Triangle Points

Whilst using this site, there are a number of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to make the experience easier:
sToggle settings box
hToggle help box
escClose the current pannel (either help or settings)
+Zoom in
-Zoom out
The following are only available when points have been generated
SpaceToggle play/pause
Arrow LeftGo back one point
Arrow RightGo forward one point
If you want to save a configuartion, you can do this by interacting with these buttons at the bottom on the settings pannel Save Buttons When clicking Save, the JSON data of your settings will be downloaded to your device. Then when clicking Load, you will need to select the downloaded file. When loading a file, the site will attempt to generate the points, because of this, you can only save a configuration once you are at a point where points can be generated

Shape Type
Shape Type Initially you will need to select a shape type. There are two classes of shape types:
RegularIncludes Polygon and the preset shapes which are Triangle, Square, Pentagon and Hexagon
IrregularThe only option in this class is Custom which requires extra steps in other stages

Shape Settings
The shape settings are different depending on the class of the shape type. The settings that are common to all classes are:
Points CountThe number of points to be generated
Line ProportionThe proportion of the line to be drawn between the current point and the vertex (with 0% being at the point in the shape)
Vertex RulesVertex rules are the rules that the program will follow when picking a random vertex, the variables that can be used are:
  • difference (abbr. d) - The clockwise difference between the old and new vertex index, always inbetween -x/2 and x/2 where x is the number of sides (preferring the positive value)
  • old (abbr. o) - The previous vertex index that was chosen
  • new (abbr. n) - The new vertex index that has been chosen
  • Note: Index is the number that each vertex is assigned, starting from 0 and going clockwise (a custom shape will have the vertices assigned in the order that they were created)

The operations that can be used are *, /, % (divides the left side by the right side and returns the remainder), +, - (order of operations is followed, with % having the same precedence as * and /)

The equators that can be used are =, (accessed by typing !=), (accessed by typing in), (accessed by typing !in), <, (accessed by typing <=), >, (accessed by typing >=)

When using an inequality or equals equator, the right side must be a singular numberic value. When using a set equator, the right side should be alist of values contained in curly brackets ({}) and separated by commas. Any number in the right hand side can use the ± operator (accessed by typing +-) infront of a number to test both the positive and negative values of the number (this can not be used when using inequalities)

Example vertex rules are:
  • difference ∈ {0, ±1, 2} - All vertices will either be repeated one, next to the previous one or 2 to the right
  • old + new = 3 - The value of the old index + the new index must equal 3
  • difference * 2 ≤ 5 - Double the difference must be less than or equal to 5
All the special characters accessible in the vertex rules input are:
CharacterAccessible by
To make a vertex rule, type it into the box then click enter
The settings that are specific to each class are:

Generate Points
Generate Points

To generate the points configued in the previous stages, click the Generate Points button, a loading bar may momentarily appear, but this shouldn't take more than a few seconds

In some cases, you may get an error that looks similar to the error below, this means that the program has tried every combination of points but has found that the combination of vertex rules stop any further points being generated

Generate Points Error

Playback Settings
Playback Settings

The playback settings set out how the points that were just generated are displayed back to you. The options are:

Playback SpeedThe number of points that will be played per second whilst it is playing, a higher playback spped will decrease the playback time
Show LinesShow the lines used when generating points, whilst this might look hectic when playing back, if playing back slowly or seeking point by point it can be interesting. Once this option is enabled, you can also change the colour of the lines
Show Start PointShow the point used at the start of the question. Once this option is enabled, you can also change the colour of the lines

Once you settings are decided, you can begin playing by clicking , you can also seek back and forward one point by clicking and respectively. You can also seek to any point by clicking on the progress bar. If you close the settings pannel, you will notice another player pannel appear on the bottom left of your screen. Back arrow, space and forward arrow will seek back, play/pause and seek forward respectively